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Board List
NO Title Date Read
131 Results of investigation into cell phone and e-mail SPAM for the first half of 2012 2012-09-19 35028
130 The Korea Communications Commission makes public the results of its investigation into cell phone and e-mail SPAM during the first half of 2012 2012-09-19 34743
129 The "Future Internet Support Center" is now open to lay a foundation for development of an SME Internet industry. 2012-09-18 34024
128 Common carriers to be required by law to prevent voice phishing. 2012-09-18 32912
127 KCC provides technical support for small and medium sized operators to switch to the resident registration number non-collection system 2012-09-17 33193
126 International standardization of Korean mobile security technology 2012-09-17 32429
125 KCC’s radio communication service protection distance calculation method adopted by the ITU for the first time in the world 2012-09-14 31624
124 Korea Takes Up Leadership Positions of APG-15 2012-09-12 31310
123 KCC & ITU will try to host the best ICT Olympics in history. 2012-09-10 30256
122 KCC establishes guideline for the green data center and national standard for level assessment. 2012-09-07 28923

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