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Title KCC Chairman Han Sang-hyuk visits Gwangju/Jeolla region
Date 2020-03-19 Read 20174
KCC Chairman Han Sang-hyuk visits Gwangju/Jeolla region

Korea Communications Commission(KCC) Chairman Han Sang-hyuk visits sites of policy decisions in the different regions of the country.
On February 20, the KCC held a regional broadcasting policy discussion for the Gwangju/Jeolla region. Regarding the rise of Covid-19 patients, Chairman Han asked for an assessment of emergency/disaster reporting, and for regional broadcasters to join the government’s comprehensive response with accurate reporting and fact checking.
Chairman Han listened to feedback on the “Korea Communications Commission’s 2020 Key Plans for Strengthening Regional Character” and discussed ways to cooperate more closely with regional media and local governments to improve the local media’s vital role in regional society.
Afterwards Chairman Han visited Korea Internet & Security Agency(KISA) in Naju and listened to an update on the responses to spam and breaches of personal information related to Covid-19. He met with the three major telco and mass text messaging service operators and asked for strict measures in response to any illegal activities taking advantage of the emergency situation.Moving forward, the KCC plans to visit the sites of policy decisions in each of the regions to reflect the voices and opinions of those on the ground.Discussion with Regional Gwangju/Jeolla Regional Broadcasting

Chairman Han met with representatives of the regional broadcasters* in Gwangju/Jeolla and listened to an overview of the current status of regional broadcasting and related requests.* KBS Gwangju/Jeonju, MBC Gwangju/Jeonju/Mokpo, KBC Gwangju, JTV Jeonju

Chairman Han asked for regional media’s full support in helping prevent the spread of Covid-19, for example in helping ensure those with symptoms to be tested, diagnosed and treated. He mentioned the importance of vigilant fact checking to combat persistent fake news related to the outbreak, to prevent any obstacles to containment efforts and address any confusion amongst the public.

At this occasion the KCC released the “Korea Communications Commission’s 2020 Key Plans for Strengthening Regional Character”* and listened to voices from the regional broadcasters.* Cooperate with regional broadcasters and local government to strengthen regional content production, increase budgetary support for small broadcasters
Representatives of regional broadcasters agreed on cooperation with regional society to strengthen the role of regional media. Furthermore, they requested policy measures to support content production and supply of regional broadcasting media, in light of the increased media competition.Chairman Han added that just as the most Korean content does well overseas, regional media should continue to strive to make quality content amidst a difficult media environment, and that the KCC would look into various support measures as well.

Discussion on responses to illegal spam, personal data breaches
After the discussion Chairman Han visited the Korea Internet Security Agency(KISA) and met with representatives from Korean telcos and mass text messaging services. Reports were given on the status of illegal spam and personal data breaches. He asked the relevant parties to swiftly and proactively respond to these types of illegal activities.

The KCC designated January 31 to February 29 as a week to focus on response to COVID-19 related spam in order to respond to the issue and reduce confusion in the public. So far the three telcos have blocked over 3 million spam messages related to Covid-19.
*Covid-19 related spam: financial management or promotional website spam which poses to be announcements regarding confirmed patients (approx. 550 cases as of Feb 19), spam regarding Covid-19 related masks, containment (approx 22,500 as of Feb. 19).
There has been a decrease in Covid-19 related spam following the KCC’s announcement of strict response measures on January 30. However, spam, such as messages that pose as Covid-19 related emergency announcements that induce users to click on links embedded with malicious code, could lead to more harm. Therefore the KCC plans to continue to quickly block these reported spam messages and enforce strict punishments against the senders.

Furthermore, the KCC will enforce monitoring to prevent official documents which contain personal information of Covid-19 patients from being widely circulated. It will also work to prevent illegal distribution of personal information online which is unrelated to containment measures. The KCC will cooperate with operators to swiftly remove any such information that is detected. Any violations of law will be met with the strictest enforcement of the law.
Chairman Han commented, “the government needs to respond strongly against acts which take advantage of the public’s uncertainty regarding Covid-19 for financial gain or criminal motives. He added, “we will swiftly block any violations of the law and execute the strictest penalties in order to prevent harm to the public.”
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