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Title KCC Issues Warning About iPhone 15 Fraud
Date 2023-10-13 Read 10690
The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Chairman Lee Dong-kwan) asked users to be cautious as fraudulent smartphone sales using misleading and false advertisements are taking place ahead of Apple's iPhone 15 release.

Some sales stores are often referred to as 'shrines' because of the cheaper prices they offer. They operate discreetly through online communities and open chat rooms, claiming to sell the latest smartphones, including the iPhone 15 worth 1.25 million won, at a lower price. However, these stores may mislead customers by presenting optional contract discounts or credit card affiliate discounts as reductions in smartphone prices.

Even though a considerable amount (300~400,000 won) seems additionally discounted by a special discount on the store, there is a condition on the subscrption application that discounts are given under the condition that the device should be changed at least two years after the contract, which can lead to complaints from users who are not aware of it.

To prevent such issues, it is necessary to accurately check the discount conditions and remaining installments and to request additional explanations for incomprehensible terms when a store offers an unusually low purchase amount.

In addition, if you opt for a non-face-to-face sign-up method, which has become more popular during the Covid-19 pandemic, you should ask them to include a mobile phone subscrption application in the delivery package, check whether the contract terms match the contents notified on the phone when signing up, and if different, contact the agent or the mobile carrier's call center for clarification.

As the market overheats due to competition to attract users ahead of the launch of the iPhone 15, the KCC has asked the three mobile carriers to refrain from illegal subsidies and stabilize the market. It also plans to strengthen monitoring of online misleading and false advertisements and form an inspection team to conduct on-site inspections.
File 20231012_News_Release_iPhone.docx 20231012_News_Release_iPhone.docx
(보도자료) 방통위, 아이폰15 이용자 사기 피해 주의보 발령.hwpx (보도자료) 방통위, 아이폰15 이용자 사기 피해 주의보 발령.hwpx
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