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Title Government promotes “Mobile Internet Activation Plan"
Date 2009-03-28 Read 6199
KCC(Korea Communications Commission), MCST(Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism) and MOPAS(Ministry of Public Administration and Security) announced “Mobile Internet Activation Plan" in concert on March 11.

This plan aims at △reaching 40% of data sales of total telecommunications service sales, △expanding the mobile contents industry up to KRW 3 trillion scale. △40% of effective users of the mobile internet.

In accordance with this, KCC promotes some plans to improve the telecommunications environment which is currently operator-friendly. The plans are:△legislation of rights and duties between operators, prohibition of discriminative actions, △making a guideline of earning distribution, △providing guidelines for an equal access route among the portal sites.

In addition, MCST supports contents operators in order to strengthen their competitiveness. △Sharing the education and technology of the open platform based contents production, △supporting the cable contents to use on the mobile internet. △development of contents technology which specialized on the mobile internet. △diversifying the distribution process △supporting for the test bed to advance to oversea markets.

Also, MOPAS promotes policies which are △providing the trial service which offers life information such as tax payment, housing and cars through the mobile, △revising related guides to solve incompatibility when the mobile digital government starts, △promoting the policy that the information of traffic and forecast could be for the use of business.

Lastly, the government considers that distrust towards mobile internet is the biggest barrier to activate it, so the government will recover the public faith by △notifying the fee clearly △inputting the password when you pay for contents and △activating the use of certificates.
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