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Title KCC Announced the Basic Plan for Selection of Public Channels and Recognition of Welfare Channels for the Handicapped
Date 2013-09-16 Read 18062
Korea Communications Commission (chairman: Kyeong-jae Lee) reviewed and concluded its basic plan to select public channels and to recognize welfare channels for the handicapped for 2014.
File 공익채널_선정_장애인복지채널_인정_기본계획_자료(9.16))_ENG.pdf 공익채널_선정_장애인복지채널_인정_기본계획_자료(9.16))_ENG.pdf
공익채널_선정_장애인복지채널_인정_기본계획_자료(9.16))_ENG.hwp 공익채널_선정_장애인복지채널_인정_기본계획_자료(9.16))_ENG.hwp
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