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Title World Information and Communications Summit 2009 and Korea Communications Conference to be held on 17th~18th
Date 2009-06-24 Read 11588
In order to enforce international cooperation in the broadcasting and communications sector, Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Chairman See-Joong Choi) will host the 5th World Information and Communications Summit (Summit for short) at Seoul COEX on June 17th, Korea Communications Conference (Conference for short) from the 17th to the 18th and World IT Show from the 17th to the 20th.

The Summit will be hosted under the theme of ’Broadcasting and Communications Convergence and Future Revolution ? New Opportunities amid Difficulties’, and it will discuss the role and the vision of broadcasting and communications amid the current economic crisis. Ministers and vice-ministers from 15 nations including Korea, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Poland, Paraguay and Saudi Arabia will attend this year’s meeting.
(*Participating nations: Korea, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Poland, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Mongolia, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Nigeria.)

The Summit will start with KCC Chairman See-Joong Choi’s presentation on "Korean broadcasting and communications policy that searches for new opportunities in a crisis. " This will be followed by presentations from the participating nations on their ICT-mediated policies for overcoming crises, followed by a discussion section on the strategies for converting the current crisis into an opportunity.

With each nation sharing its political measures and experiences, this conference is expected to derive a plan that can create global and equal prosperity. In addition, the conference is expected to provide a starting point for the establishment of a cooperative system that will expand and activate new convergence services such as WiBro (Mobile WiMax) and IPTV. Furthermore, the participants will actively search for a plan that can respond to the global concerns for internet’s harmful functions, such as violation of privacy and spam mails, that have resulted from the development of information and communications.

Meanwhile, the 2-day Conference will be held under the major theme of "Media Convergence and After." It will assess the present situation of the broadcasting and communications industry, and propose appropriate strategies and visions under the themes of the "roles of the government and businesses for the acquisition of competitiveness in the era of media convergence," "strategies for successful digital contents" and "strategies for creating new businesses in the era of broadcasting and communications convergence."

In the regular Session, Senior Vice-Minister, Gaku Ishizaki in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan will give a presentation on "The Future of Media Convergence: Issues in Policy and Regulation." Emiliano Calemzuk, the president of the US news corporation Fox TV Studios and Senior Executive Vice-President Georges Penalver of France Telecom will present on "The Future of Media Convergence: Business Models for a New Era."

The Conference has grown bigger every year. This year, there will be a total of 3 Tracks, 12 Sessions, a Keynote Session and a Super-Panel Session and 55 communications experts (including 30 foreign speakers) from 12 nations including the UK, France, Germany, the USA, China and Japan, will attend the function.

This conference is expected to find solutions for overcoming crises such as through creation of new businesses and establishment of appropriate strategies in the changes of the broadcasting and communications convergence paradigm.

Furthermore, the two events will be hosted in connection to the largest exhibition in Korea, the World IT Show. KCC plans to use this event as an opportunity for economic diplomacy and publicize low-carbon, green development of the broadcasting and communications sector to the attendees of the Summit through exhibits and demonstrations of cutting-edge IT equipments. The exhibition will be held from June 17th to the 20th and 350 domestic and foreign broadcasting and communications companies will attend to introduce and demonstrate cutting-edge technology and make the future image of broadcasting and communications visible at one glance.

This event is expected to become an important opportunity for the participating companies to expand to foreign markets, build global cooperative relationships and activate investments through exchanges between the companies and consultations with domestic and foreign buyers.

The Summit and the Conference are expected to create a plan for reacting to the challenges and the opportunities that the whole world faces and provide an important starting point that will determine the future of the media convergence era.

KCC revealed that it expects these events to enforce the position of Korea as a strong broadcasting and communications nation and help in the launching of WiBro in Asia, the Middle East and South America to establish a global WiBro belt.

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