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Title KCC to 'build an object network'
Date 2009-06-12 Read 10460
Korea Communications Commission (KCC) has decided to promote a ’future object communication network,’ which combines sporadic, sensor networks together and enhances expansibility and mobility. KCC has selected 3 consortia of Seoul Metropolis, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and Kangwondo/Chuncheon City as pilot operators.

KCC announced on the 9th that it will promote the establishment of a ’future object communication network,’ which will permit people to use intelligent communication services between ’humans and objects’ and ’an object and an object,’ safely and conveniently anytime at any place.

Approximately USD 12 million will be used to fund this project, which is a part of a long-term plan for the development of broadcasting and communication networks. In July, KCC will compose the ’general plan for the IP-ISN object communication network’ and aim to enhance the efficient use of national broadcasting and communication resources.

The object communication network works on the concept of ’a post-ubiquitous network’ and Professor Won- Kyu Ha of ETRI, who proposed the image of u-Korea, also proposed this network as a new IT strategy paradigm following ubiquity.

KCC will use a total of USD 960 thousand of government funds, giving USD 320 thousand to each of the 3 consortia. A one-to-one matching funds system means that each consortium will have a total of USD 640 thousand to spend.

The 3 selected assignments are building an object communication network infrastructure for a WiBro-based city and finding and inspecting services that are closely connected to the daily life (Seoul Metropolis), △ building a smart infrastructure for meteorological environment based on mobile communications (2G,3G) (Jeju Special Self-Governing Province) △ and building a smart, well-being leisure city that converges broadcasting and communication networks and sensor technology (Kangwondo/Chuncheon City).

"If the pilot project and the general plan run smoothly, then they will solve what has been a constant issue in the u-City (ubiquitous-city) project, the double investment controversy following the establishment of a company’s own network. They will also be able to present efficient ways of using broadcasting and communication resources and reducing establishment and operation expenses," said a staff of KCC. "We expect u-City and u-Service of local self-government groups to operate and expand as well."

USD 1 = KRW 1250
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