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Title The KCC imposed fines on cell phone retailers that provided illegal subsidies
Date 2023-04-21 Read 7269
The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, chairman Han Sang-hyuk) held a written meeting on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, and decided to impose a total of 110.4 million won in fines and corrective orders for 30 retailers violating the Mobile Device Distribution Improvement Act.

The investigation was conducted on 30 retailers nationwide through market monitoring, following criticism from the media that so-called "pilgrimage stores" are affording a lot of illegal subsidies to users.

The investigation found that these stores paid illegal subsidies to users violating Article 4 of the Mobile Device Distribution Improvement Act (Restriction on Payment of Excessive Subsidies and Public Announcement).

The KCC said, "We will strengthen crackdowns through the mobile communication market monitoring while making efforts to revitalize fair competition in the distribution network and improve user welfare."
File (보도자료) 방통위, 불법 지원금 지급한 휴대폰 판매점에 과태료 부과(4 (1).hwpx (보도자료) 방통위, 불법 지원금 지급한 휴대폰 판매점에 과태료 부과(4 (1).hwpx
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