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Title KCC Acting Chairperson Kim Tae-kyu Visits Sites of Telecom Policies
Date 2024-09-06 Read 5045
Discussing measures for voluntary regulation aimed at enhancing the social responsibility of platform companies
Collaborating in ensuring the safe and convenient use of platforms for the general public

Kim Tae-kyu, Acting Chairperson of the Korea Communications Commission (KCC), convened a meeting with key stakeholders, including Yoo Bong-seok, President of Policy and Risk Management at Naver, to discuss current issues related to major telecommunications policies, such as measures to boost the social responsibility of platform companies. The meeting followed the Acting Chairperson’s visit to Naver 1784, the company’s second headquarters, on the morning of Thursday, September 5.

Kim Tae-kyu, the Acting Chairperson, stated that he is aware of the high public interest and the importance of platforms in relation to telecommunications policies. He also emphasized that it is crucial to develop policies by visiting sites where relevant policies are implemented and by consulting with experts in the field.

In addition, the Acting Chairperson noted that Naver, which was developed in Korea and is globally competitive, has contributed to greater convenience in our daily lives through its various services. However, he also highlighted the need for proactive measures to address rising concerns associated with these benefits, such as side effects including the distribution of illegal content, disinformation, and algorithmic bias.

Furthermore, the Acting Chairperson urged Naver to sincerely fulfill its role as a medium of information and to adopt a bolder and more proactive approach to voluntary regulation with a strong sense of responsibility, in order to encourage diverse and balanced public opinions and foster a healthy ecosystem.

Meanwhile, the Acting Chairperson toured Naver 1784, observing its major facilities and automated services that utilize robots after the meeting.

The Korea Communications Commission
File 20240905_News_Release_Site Visit.docx 20240905_News_Release_Site Visit.docx
240905 (보도자료) 방통위, 김태규 위원장 직무대행 통신정책 현장방문.hwpx 240905 (보도자료) 방통위, 김태규 위원장 직무대행 통신정책 현장방문.hwpx
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