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Title Kim Tae-kyu, Acting Chairperson, Attends EIDF Opening Ceremony and Visits Production Sites.
Date 2024-08-26 Read 5780
On Monday, August 19, Acting Chairperson Kim Tae-kyu of the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) attended the opening ceremony of the 21st International Documentary Festival (EIDF2024), hosted by the Korea Educational Broadcasting System (‘EBS,’ President & CEO Kim, Yu-yeol), at the EBS Headquarters in Ilsan-gu, Goyang-si.

In his congratulatory remarks, Acting Chairperson Kim Tae-kyu praised EBS's dedication in production of documentaries and said, “Documentaries play an important role in society, culture, and education, but in reality, producing and programming them is challenging.” He asked EBS to continuously contribute to the popularization of documentaries.

The KCC has supported the production of several documentaries, including , , and , through the 'EBS Program Production Support,' a project operated by the Broadcasting and Communications Development Fund. The KCC reiterated its commitment to assisting EBS in fulfilling their role as a public broadcaster with dedication.

Prior to the EIDF opening ceremony, Acting Chairperson Kim Tae-kyu visited the EBS production sites to hear their concerns and offer words of encouragement.

The Korea Communications Commission
File 240819 김태규 방통위원장 직무대행, EBS 국제다큐영화제(EIDF) 개막식 참석 및 EBS 제작현장 방문(최종).pdf 240819 김태규 방통위원장 직무대행, EBS 국제다큐영화제(EIDF) 개막식 참석 및 EBS 제작현장 방문(최종).pdf
20240819_News_Release_EIDF.docx 20240819_News_Release_EIDF.docx
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