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Title KCC discusses user protection issues in generative AI-based chatbot services
Date 2023-05-15 Read 6917
The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, chairman Han Sang-hyuk) and the Korea Information Society Development Institute (president Kwon Ho-yeol) held the 7th plenary meeting of the second public-private Council for user protection in the intelligence information society on Friday, May 12.

The Council is chaired by Professor Lee Won-woo of Seoul National University's Graduate School of Law and consists of 34 experts from academia, businesses, civic groups, and the government.

The KCC formed and has been operating the public-private Council since 2020 to prepare user protection measures in the intelligent information society through continuous consultation and policy sharing with various stakeholders such as experts and companies.

The second public-private Council has held a total of six meetings to discuss in-depth user protection issues that are critical in the era of intelligent information, such as "responsible metaverse utilization plan" (second meeting, June 2022) and "user protection measures in the era of algorithm journalism" (fourth meeting, October 2022).

At the 7th meeting, Ha Joo-young, a lawyer for an AI startup, Scatter Lab, gave a presentation with the theme of generative AI services and user protection seen in the Lee Luda case, and there was the broad discussion over the recent direction of the generative AI-based chatbot service and business operators’ efforts to ethically utilize it.

The KCC said it would proactively review quality proposals suggested at the Council and come up with timely measures to protect users regarding the spread of generative AI services.
File (보도자료) 방통위, 생성형(Generative) 인공지능(AI) 기반 챗봇 서비스에서의 이용자 보호 쟁점 논의(5.12).hwp (보도자료) 방통위, 생성형(Generative) 인공지능(AI) 기반 챗봇 서비스에서의 이용자 보호 쟁점 논의(5.12).hwp
20230512_News_Release_user protection.docx 20230512_News_Release_user protection.docx
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