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Title Making a Safe and Sound Digital World Together
Date 2023-09-04 Read 13218
The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Chairman Lee Dong-kwan) has announced the 2023 Digital Ethics Week co-hosted by the KCC and National Information Society Agency (NIA, President Hwang Jong-sung), scheduled to take place from Monday, August 28 to Sunday, September 3.

The Digital Ethics Week includes various online and offline participative events to highlight the significance of digital ethics and develop a sound digital culture.

The lineup includes an array of special and diverse programs such as a short-form challenge, a complimentary refreshments event, busking performances in the Digital Ethics Zone, a social media giveaway, quizzes, survey rewards, and a digital ethics MBTI test.

One notable event, "Digital Hey-Yo!," seeks to foster a digital ethics culture by combining short-form content with a digital ethics campaign. Participants dance to upbeat music and deliver their own catchphrases to encourage positive online behavior.

An engaging coffee truck event centered around the theme of "10 Promises in the Digital World" will be held at Gwanghwamun Cheonggye Plaza (Aug 30 ? 31) and Yeouido Park (Sep 1), targeting the large population of office workers. The event will distribute complimentary beverages for three days, promoting responsible digital usage.

There will also be various programs, including writing positive messages and busking performances, at Haeundae Beach for late-summer vacationers who want to make lasting memories with loved families and friends.

The KCC said it is highly important that every user engages in fostering sound digital culture, and the commission will proactively push forward with digital ethics policies and projects for all citizens to protect themselves from new forms of digital harm.
File 230828 (보도자료) 아름다운 디지털 세상을 위해 함께 노력해요.hwp 230828 (보도자료) 아름다운 디지털 세상을 위해 함께 노력해요.hwp
20230830_News_Release_digitalethics.docx 20230830_News_Release_digitalethics.docx
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