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Title KCC replied to people’s inconvenience in using broadcasting and communication services
Date 2023-01-26 Read 6985
Korea Communications Commission (KCC, chairman Han Sang-hyuk) publishes and distributed the second broadcasting and communication policy guidebook after last year explaining the policies regarding user inconvenience relief, one of the policies that KCC pushed forward in 2022.

KCC has put all its effort to solve all inconveniences in using broadcasting and communication service for the people. It also published a guidebook includes various cases, QR codes, and card news to help people understand the inconvenience relief policies carried out last year.

The guidebook has three topics including improvement of broadcasting and communication services, protection of online damage, and media welfare, demonstrates 17 policies in total, and each policy describes major content, its effect, cases of experiences, and how to utilize them.

The guidebook will be posted on the KCC website (https://www.kcc.go.kr) as well as the blog, and social media for people’s easier access to it.

In addition, the guidebook will be distributed to 11 Community Media Centers including Community Media Foundation to be utilized as educational material and will be distributed to 17 metropolitan councils and offices of education to help people’s understanding and education.

“I hope the people can use the broadcasting and communication service more easily with the guidebook,” KCC chairman Han Sang-hyuk said. He adds “We will do our utmost to improve even small inconveniences in using broadcasting and communication service.”

File 20230116_News_Release_guidebook.docx 20230116_News_Release_guidebook.docx
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