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Title The president Lee's first year record of the communications industry
Date 2009-03-28 Read 10011
During the first year of the president Lee’s government, KCC(Korea Communications Commission, Chairman See-Joong Choi) made efforts to ease the regulations which has been claimed as the reason of deterring the prosperity of communications industry. The principal of the change is focused on offering good quality of service with reasonable price for consumers fostering competitive market structure.

The tasks that KCC propelled for the last year were * reduction of communications usage charge * reinforcement of competitive power of broadcasting industry using deregulation * reinforcement of competitive power of communications service by alleviating the market entry regulations.

First of all, communications industry and service regulation policy were maintained for patrons to reduce communication service charge and improve consumers’ convenience. To name the main achievement, there was the target expansion to reduce a charge of mobile phone, removal of USIM Lock, abolition of obligated WIPI (Wireless Internet Platform for Interoperability), easing judgment standard of combination commodity agreement and changing retail charge sanction system to the report system.

Moreover, media industry regulation system developed reaching to the standard of advanced countries considering the change of environment over media industry like arrival of digital convergence environment and activity of global media companies.

Finally, it was based on using good quality of services with reasonable prices for a nation by promoting competition among companies through alleviating entry barrier of communications services. It was propelled to relieve common carrier license system, introducing resale system that sales equipment and service of existing companies by whole sale and communications equipment manufacturer of common carrier.
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