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Title Cancel the double-play bundle and subscribe to a new one at once... Promotion of a “one-stop switch service”
Date 2023-07-20 Read 13757
The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Acting Chairman Kim Hyo-jae) and nine executives of nine companies, including four major telecommunications operators (SKT, KT, LGU+, and SKB), CATV broadcasting business entities (HelloVision, D’LIVE, Hyundai HCN, and CMB), and satellite broadcasting business entities (KT-Skylife) had a meeting to review the market to facilitate the one-stop switch service for a bundle of high-speed internet and pay television (IPTV and satellite broadcasting).

The one-stop switch service refers to the service that allows users who subscribe to a bundle of high-speed internet and pay television to cancel their plan and subscribe to a new one at once by applying to a new operator without canceling the old one.

The service was introduced in July 2020 by four major telecommunications operators to prevent refusal, delay, or restriction of cancellation when users want to cancel a bundle of wire communications services.

The scope of this service was expanded to CATV broadcasting business entities in August 2022, and the KCC reviewed the achievement and came up with the promotion methods after a year of the full implementation.

According to the result, only around 300 thousand (15%) cancellation was done by the one-stop switch service among a total of 2 million cases a year, and around 17 million cases (85%) were done by the existing method.

The measures to promote the service discussed in the meeting include increasing the receipt commission of counselors, increasing incentives for operating agencies, hiring more professional counseling staff and providing more training, and expanding the ways of receipt allowing agencies to receive as well.

The acting chairman Kim said, “I call for your active cooperation to foster the one-stop switch service, which was introduced to help users choose telecommunications operators and enjoy services at their discretion.”
File 20230720_News_Release_onestop.docx 20230720_News_Release_onestop.docx
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