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Title The KCC selected small and medium-sized enterprises and small business owners to support broadcasting advertisements
Date 2023-04-13 Read 7172
The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, chairman Han Sang-hyuk) and the Korea Broadcast Advertising Corporation (President Lee Baek-man) selected 29 small and medium-sized companies and 107 small business owners for the Innovative SMEs Broadcast Advertising Promotion Project and the Local Broadcast Advertising Promotion Foundation Project.

Of the 29 small and medium-sized companies, 19 companies including SOLAR ST Co., Ltd. (construction materials) were selected for TV advertisement support, and 10 companies including EZNwellness Co., Ltd. (healthcare) were selected for radio advertisement support. When it comes to the industry distribution of 107 companies selected for support for small business owners, "accommodation and restaurant" (42 companies) was the most common, followed by "other manufacturing industry" (16 companies), "wholesale and retail" (13 companies), and "food and beverage manufacturing" (12 companies).

The Innovative SMEs Broadcast Advertising Promotion Project supports broadcast advertising production costs for small and medium-sized companies that have excellent technology but have difficulties in advertising due to cost burdens. A total of 101 SMEs applied for the project during the application period from February 7 to February 24. The screening was conducted from March 6 to March 17 for 92 companies (55 companies for TV and 37 companies for radio advertisement), excluding companies that failed to meet documents and qualifications.

In addition, the Local Broadcast Advertising Promotion Foundation Project supports small business owners to produce broadcast advertisements and transmit them through local broadcasting media. A total of 281 small business owners applied from January 27 to February 14. Among them, 208 companies, excluding companies that failed to meet documents and qualifications, were screened from February 20 to March 3.

This year, the competition rate for the project was 3.5:1 for small and medium-sized companies and 2.6:1 for small business owners. Several small and medium-sized enterprises that are youth-friendly and region-led have been chosen. These businesses are leading the way in creating jobs for the youth and in promoting regional startup ecosystem.

The selected companies will receive broadcasting advertisement production costs through the agreement and one-on-one customized consulting (advice) on the overall production and transmission of broadcast advertisements by selected advertising experts for free.

The KCC recruits companies that need broadcast advertising two times a year to provide more opportunities, and will open applications for a second round of projects in June.

The KCC said it will expand related projects in the future to serve as a stepping stone for small and medium-sized companies and small business owners to continue to grow amid difficult economic conditions and to promote the sluggish broadcasting advertising market.
File (보도자료) 방통위, 방송광고 지원대상 중소기업 소상공인 선정(3.27).hwpx (보도자료) 방통위, 방송광고 지원대상 중소기업 소상공인 선정(3.27).hwpx
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