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Title The KCC to expand the option of documents submitted by representatives when canceling paid broadcasting
Date 2023-04-05 Read 6888
It will be easier for daughters and sons to terminate paid broadcasting on behalf of their parents who have been hospitalized for a long time.

The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, chairman Han Sang-hyuk) held the first meeting in 2023 of the Self-Regulatory Committee for Paid Broadcasting Improvement on March 23.

The committee recommended that paid broadcasting service providers allow family members to apply for termination on behalf of long-term inpatients in nursing hospitals even with documents that do not contain sensitive information such as disease names when they want to cancel paid broadcasting.

The recommendation is part of efforts for public-private self-regulated improvement by spreading best practices of some paid broadcasters to the industry in response to the increasing number of patients hospitalized in nursing hospitals for a long time due to the aging population and the emphasis on privacy.

In the meantime, paid broadcasters have limited the documents submitted to an acknowledgment of hospitalization and medical certificates containing major sensitive information such as the name of the disease when a representative of long-term inpatients tries to cancel their plan.

On the other hand, some broadcasters allowed documents without the name of the disease such as an acknowledgment of long-term care and an acceptance of admission to a nursing home.

Accordingly, the KCC has taken opinions and continued consultations through the committee so that operators can autonomously spread these precedents.

At the meeting of the committee, the KCC asked participating paid broadcasting companies to cooperate to fix bylaws related to "expanding the option of submitting documents for representatives," and the paid broadcasting companies will expand documents submitted from April.

The KCC said, “We expect that this measure will reduce the inconvenience of long-term hospitalized patients and their families who are using paid broadcasting.” “We are also going to make various policy measures for the user’s convenience by proactively running the committee,” it added.

File (방통위) 방통위, 유료방송 해지 시 대리인 제출 서류 선택권 확대(3.23).hwpx (방통위) 방통위, 유료방송 해지 시 대리인 제출 서류 선택권 확대(3.23).hwpx
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