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Title KCC finalizes 2023 user protection evaluation plan
Date 2023-06-22 Read 9074
The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Acting Chairman Kim Hyo-jae) deliberated and decided on the 2023 User Protection Evaluation Plan for Telecommunications Business Operators at a plenary session on June 21.

The user protection evaluation has been conducted annually since 2013 under the Telecommunications Business Act to prevent damage to telecommunications service users and to induce telecommunications business operators to promptly handle legitimate complaints or opinions of users.

This year's evaluation targets a total of 43 operators in the fields of facilities-based telecommunications services (mobile communication, high-speed Internet, etc.) and value-added telecommunications services (search engine, app market, etc.) including Instagram selected by the number of users and complaints occurrence rates.

A distinct pilot evaluation for digital platforms operators* is planned to protect not only general users but also business users and encourage the platforms to fulfill social responsibility as platform service providers are used by the majority of the people.
* Google LLC, Naver Co., Ltd., and Kakao Co., Ltd

In addition, 11 operators* that were included in the new targets of the evaluation in 2021 will be subject to the main evaluation from this year after completing a two-year pilot evaluation, and the results will be disclosed.
* KB Kookmin Bank, ghconnect, Naver Corporation (Band, Naver Shopping), Netflix Korea (Netflix), Content Wavve (Wavve), Twitch, Afreeca TV, Woowa Brothers (Baedal Minjok), Coupang, and 11STREET

Based on the standards* set by the Telecommunications Business Act, the evaluation items reflected changes in the communication service use environment, legislation, and amendments, and improved through various opinions from experts and operators.

* Conformity of user protection management system, performance of compliance with related laws, performance of damage prevention activities, performance of managing user opinions and complaints, other matters concerning user protection work, etc

The evaluation mainly strengthened the items related to service failure response, including service failure response system, service interruption notification to users, and procedures for compensation for damage.

In particular, digital platform operators are evaluated for user complaint management system, service stability, operator user protection, and social responsibility regarding the characteristics of the platform and its impact on users and business users.

The evaluation process includes a written evaluation of data submitted by operators, on-site evaluation to verify the data, interviews of user protection executives, automated voice service and distribution store monitoring, and user satisfaction surveys. The result of the evaluation will be confirmed through screening of an evaluation committee* and a decision by the KCC.
* Composed of external experts in the fields of information and communication, law, economy and management, and consumers for an objective and fair evaluation

Operators with excellent results will be given a citation and incentives, including mitigation of fines when charged under the Telecommunications Business Act. The best practices will be shared and spread to encourage operators to strengthen their user protection measures.

Acting Chairman Kim Hyo-jae said, "As large-scale digital platform services have a great influence on the daily lives of the people, it is time to conduct an appropriate user protection evaluation," adding, "We will actively encourage digital platform operators to protect user rights and social responsibilities."
File 20230621_News_Release_user protection.docx 20230621_News_Release_user protection.docx
(보도자료_의결 나) 방통위, 2023년도 이용자 보호업무 평가계획 확정(6.21).hwpx (보도자료_의결 나) 방통위, 2023년도 이용자 보호업무 평가계획 확정(6.21).hwpx
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