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Title Consolidation of the Role of Broadcasting and Communications for National Energy Pooling
Date 2009-03-29 Read 39708
Until now, broadcasting has made great contribution towards the healing of social dysfunctions and crises through integration and unity. Its most representative examples are the lost family reunion in 1983 and the fund raising campaign in 1998, which contributed to overcoming the IMF financial crisis.

The role of broadcasting is also crucial in achieving economic revitalization in the current economic crisis, more so than any other media. The autonomous and intensive participation of Korean broadcasting companies is indispensable in the efforts to revitalize the economy.

The Korea Communications Commission will engage in various efforts to overcome the current economic crisis through public advertisements and campaigns. By designating the overcoming of the economic crisis as the core broadcasting index for 2009 to broadcasting media such as ground-wave broadcasting companies, intensive endeavors will be made to overcome this crisis through ongoing campaigns and special discussion sessions.

Moreover, productions costs for programs related to economic revitalization will be derived from resources such as the broadcasting development funds.]

In recent times, wasteful disputes and innocent victims have increased due to the side effects of the Internet, such as malicious messages. In order for the Internet to function as a creative and productive space, a scheme to ensure an increase in reliability is required to enable accurate information to be transmitted on the Internet.

For the proliferation of a sound Internet culture, an ethics campaign, such as the "friendly message" campaign, targeted at the entire nation, will be executed. Promotional activities will be consolidated through media easily accessible by Koreans such as TV, newspaper, and search engines. Moreover, Internet ethics education will be developed and provided to teenagers to improve cyber ethics.

The negative effects of online anonymity are manifesting themselves in all areas of the Internet, regardless of the type of service. Therefore, an online identification system will be applied to all IT service providers with more than 100,000 users per day.

Moreover, management responsibility of IT service providers such as search engines will be consolidated through the monitoring of illegal information, and inspection of businesses' illegal and harmful information will also be consolidated to enforce stringent correctional measures in the event of violations.

Affordable services will be provided through a discounted rate for combined products on the broadcasting and communications market from the conventional 20% to 30%, and a resale system will be established to allow new businesses to enter the communications market and compete with existing businesses even without a communications network or frequency, which will result in competitive pricing.

Moreover, intensive promotions are planned to be executed through SMS and public advertisements to so that individuals take greater advantage of the usage of mobile communications fee reduction system that is currently in place for low-income earners. In concert, paid broadcasting service providers such as cable TV companies and satellite broadcasters will be encouraged to reduce their fees to allow more low-income earners to access their broadcast services.

To increase access to broadcasting services by the disabled, more support will be provided to cable TV and satellite broadcasters, as well as ground-wave broadcasters, so that they can produce more programs for the disabled. To achieve such end, subtitles will be provided for news and soap opera channels, and the supply of subtitled programs, screen-interpreting receivers, and hearing-aid receivers for senior audiences over the age of 65 will be increased. In addition, the production of broadcast programs for multicultural families and other special social constituents will be supported.

A comprehensive scheme to reduce the cost of private education through IPTV will be formed based on the results of the operation of a TF comprising specialists from the Korea Communications Commission, the Ministry of Education & Science Technology, and other professionals and professors. To enable IPTV education services to be provided effectively in applicable schools, such schools' communications network will be advanced, and online/offline lectures from reputable civilian academies will be utilized through cooperation with the Ministry of Education & Science Technology for the development of educational content of IPTV.

In addition, efforts will be made to provide IPTV services all across Korea to enable superior educational content such as foreign language lessons by native speakers, which tend to be available only in major cities, even in isolated regions of the country to increase educational opportunities for all Koreans.

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