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Title KCC Identifies Outstanding Business Models Through the Contest
Date 2023-12-18 Read 5840
Selects and Awards 30 Teams for Their Exceptional Business Proposals
Indoor Road Guidance Mobile Service and Sea Robot Vacuum Cleaner Win Grand Prizes

The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Acting Chairman Lee Sang-in) held the "2023 Best Business Model Identification Contest" award ceremony at The K Hotel Seoul on Thursday, December 14.

This contest, co-hosted by the Korea Internet and Security Agency (President Lee Won-tae), began in 2017 and marks its seventh anniversary this year. It aims at identifying micro, small, and medium enterprises and start-up companies with excellent location information business models. The selected companies will be provided with small prize money and various commercialization support programs*.

* Provide customized support programs for each business operator, including business model diagnosis and consulting, patents, business registration and reporting, investment attraction, and overseas sales support

During the application period from May 13 to June 23, a total of 153 individuals and teams applied. A total of 30 teams* were selected through document screening and presentation screening. Among them, two teams won grand prizes (KCC Chairman Award). Seven teams won top prizes, and 11 teams won excellence prizes (KISA President Award).

* Six works in the idea division (one grand prize, two top prizes, and three excellence prizes) and 24 works in the commercialization support division (one grand prize, five top prizes, eight excellence prizes, and ten participation prizes)

This year, the KCC Chairman Award in the commercialization support division was awarded to PAPAYA CORP. for introducing an innovative indoor route guidance solution. The service addresses the limitations of traditional methods that struggle with guiding directions indoors due to GPS limitations. PAPAYA CORP.'s solution relies on self-developed algorithms, allowing for effective indoor route guidance. The recognition as the grand prize winner stems from the high praise received for its notable growth, differentiation, and technological advancements in business models.

In contrast to previous years, this year's competition introduced a distinct idea division, providing an opportunity for individuals under the age of 34 with entrepreneurial aspirations to showcase their original concepts. The coveted grand prize in the idea sector, the KCC Chairman Award, was bestowed upon the "Seacle Seacle" team. Their winning proposal centered around the innovative idea of utilizing a sea robot vacuum equipped with location information to collect garbage from the sea.

The top prizes in the commercialization support division went to five companies: GRND1, which provides 3D modeling of buildings using location-based data and artificial intelligence vision technology; Eastern Sky Corp., which provides early diagnosis of pine wilt disease using autonomous flying drones; KIRAMTech, offering Korean GPS services; Life Festa, which innovatively combining new technologies, including location-based augmented reality, to provide engaging social games; and Nature Combined, delivering notification services to guardians, alerting them when their families enter both safe and potentially dangerous areas.

The top prizes in the idea division went to two companies: Sharepiece, presenting an all-in-one platform designed for convenient space rental catering to the needs of modern, busy individuals; Driving Box, which proposed a route service that minimizes interference between autonomous robots in industrial complexes.

A total of 147 million won was awarded to 30 teams, with the grand prize winners receiving 20 million won, top prize winners receiving 10 million won, excellence prize winners receiving 5 million won, and participation prize winners receiving 2 million won in the commercialization support division. In the idea division, grand prize winners received 5 million won, top prize winners received 3 million won, and excellence prize winners received 2 million won.

Before the awards ceremony, Cho Sung-eun, Secretary-General of the KCC, said, "As future mobility is attracting attention as a national strategic industry, I hope this contest will be a good opportunity to discover and grow a business model based on location information," adding, "The KCC will support new companies and small and medium-sized enterprises based on location information to pursue and achieve their aspirations on a broader scale, and will continue to improve regulations that hinder the revitalization of the location information industry."

In addition to awarding the winners of the competition, the award ceremony also included commendation of merit in the field of location information, education for location information operators, presentation about business start-up experiences and success stories, and announcement of major policies for location information in 2024.

The Korea Communications Commission
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