Title | “2022 Online Damage Consultation Case Book” Published by KCC | ||
Date | 2023-02-03 | Read | 7419 |
Korea Communications Commission (KCC, chairman Han Sang-hyuk) and Korea Associate for ICT Promotion (KAIT) published the “2022 Online Damage Consultation Case Book” on January 31 and launched the service for the citizen. KCC opened Online Damage 365 Center on May 31 2022 to provide comprehensive and systemic support for the damage caused online and published a case book including major consultation cases to help users to prevent damage and promptly counter it. The first chapter demonstrates the background of the center’s establishment, how to apply the consultation, and various types of damage. The second chapter analyzes consultation applications and results, and the third chapter includes consultation cases by type of damage and prevention measures. In the annex, other online service damages and user protection laws are included. Around 80 cases among major cases applied to Online Damage 365 Center from May to December 2022 were selected and included in the book with damage cases, consultation content, related institutions providing support, prevention measures, and related laws to provide useful information for users. “I hope the case book will help prevent and solve damage caused online and we will continue to put all our effort to aid victims,” KCC chairman Han Sang-hyuk said. |
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20230131_News_Release_consultation_book.docx |
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