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Title KCC Chairman Inspects KBS Disaster Broadcasting Response to Heavy Rain
Date 2020-08-31 Read 28432
KCC Chairman Inspects KBS Disaster Broadcasting Response to Heavy Rain

On August 8, Korea Communications Commission Chairman Han Sang-hyuk market the start of his new term with a visit to the KBS Disaster Broadcasting Center to inspect the disaster broadcasting for heavy rainfall and encourage the staff. The purpose of the visit was to inspect the readiness and encourage KBS disaster broadcasting to fulfill their role and responsibility as a disaster broadcaster amidst the continuous heavy rainfall.

Chairman Han conveyed his concern over damage from the recent heavy rains and typhoon Hagupit, asking that “KBS provide swift and proactive emergency and disaster broadcasting as the disaster broadcaster. Especially in cases of regional disasters like heavy rainfall, action and response at the regional office level will provide accurate information to citizens. In this respect, it is meaningful that KBS operated emergency and disaster broadcasting at the regional office level, and the regional office provided its own news bulletin programming.”

Furthermore, Chairman Han requested attention to preparing broadcasting facilities for disasters. Noting the difficulties staff may experience during disaster situations, he added, “protecting people and property from disaster is one of a public broadcaster’s important mandates,” and he asked for staff continue to fulfill their duties with a strong sense of purpose.
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