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Title KCC Chairman Han Sang-hyuk, “The media is critical to combat Covid-19”
Date 2020-03-19 Read 21111
KCC Chairman Han Sang-hyuk, “The media is critical to combat Covid-19”

On March 5, the Korea Communications Commission(KCC, Chairman Han Sang-hyuk) hosted a forum in Seoul with members of the media, academia, disaster reporting and medial experts* to discuss the role of media in overcoming Covid-19 and measures to improve emergency and disaster reporting.*Heads and representatives from the Journalists Association of Korea, Korea Broadcasting Journalist Association, Korean Association for Broadcasting and Telecommunication Studies, Korea Health Communication Association, Korea Partnership for Emergency Warning, and Yonsei University Medical School were in attendance.사진
In his opening remarks, Chairman Han asked that the media play an active role in communicating accurate information and strengthening fact checking as Covid-19 persists, considering the media’s significant impact on citizens.
He emphasized, “In light of the mass outbreak in the Daegu-Gyeongbuk region, there is a need to limit sensational reporting that could exacerbate the public’s uncertainty. This is also outlined in the Journalists Association of Korea’s reporting standards on Covid-19. In order to overcome Covid-19, the media needs to join with the government and play its important societal role through accurate and careful reporting”

Lee Yun, the head of the Korea Partnership for Emergency Warning revealed that coverage of the unexpected outbreak in Wu han appeared to belittle certain regions rather than express sympathy for the quarantine of Wu han citizens. Additionally there were reports that showed photos of citizens and potentially invaded their privacy. Furthermore, he pointed out that despite the work of the containment and medical staff who are toiling at the front lines to contain the outbreak, reports were released with headlines emphasizing the total number of confirmed patients, as if reporting a sporting event.
He said, “the focus of reporting on contagious disease should be centered on the viewpoint of the victims, to swiftly and accurately convey emergency information, and encourage the public to act calmly and not add to their uncertainty.”사진
Yoon Hyun-jae, professor in the School of Media, Arts and Science at Sogang University and head of the Korea Health Communication Association commented, “Reporting with excessive framing, generalization or headlines to lure viewers is problematic.” He added, “the frequency and number of reports on Covid-19 is unprecedented, and viewers are likely to take individual reports as standards for their own behavior. While it is the medial professionals responsible for treatment and containment, the media has a responsibility to provide a psychological and social support for the public.”

During the discussion, the participants agreed on the seriousness of Covid-19 and to cooperate to combat the outbreak through activities such as strengthened fact checking.
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