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Date 2024-02-01 Read 6131
The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Chairman Kim Hong-il) and the Korea Association for ICT Promotion (President Yoo Young-sang) selected 100 cases out of a total of 1,811 damage consultation cases received by the Online Damage 365 Center in 2023 and published the "2023 Online Damage Consultation Casebook" on January 31.

The Online Damage 365 Center is a damage relief support center established in May 2022 to prevent the spread of irreparable damage and find optimal ways to remedy damages occurring online.

The 365 Center conducts in-depth consultations in a one-on-one helper format for various online damages and enhances post-management to increase user satisfaction. Additionally, the Center publishes a casebook containing major consultation cases every year.

This casebook presents methods to minimize damage by providing actual consultation cases and response measures by damage type received by the Center.

It includes the operational status of the Center, classification of damage types, how to apply for damage consultations, analysis of consultation reception and processing status, and appendices, including an index of consultation cases, consultation reviews, laws related to user protection, and judicial precedents related to damage remedy.

The casebook is open for the public to download and view the 365 Center website at www.helpos.kr.

Chairman Kim stated, "I hope that the Online Damage Consultation Casebook will help prevent damage to the public occurring online and contribute to swift damage resolution. We will continue to expand the functions and roles of the Center to protect online service users and enhance civil rights and interests."

(Descrption of Damage) "From month date, 2022 to month date, 2023, my younger sibling made several micropayments to buy coins totaling around X0,000 won via mobile phone. The website states that coins can be refunded only for unused items within seven days of payment, but my sibling has severe autism and cognitive impairment. In this case, can the remaining balance of X0,000 won paid during that period be refunded?"

(Thank You Note from Applicant) "Thanks to the 365 Center's cooperation with the Spayment (mobile phone and ARS payment mediation center), an official document was sent to Company X, and I was able to receive a refund for three months' worth of payments in 2023. Thank you."

(Descrption of Damage) "I posted a case of romance fraud on a website for posting frauds. Mr. A said he was a victim of a similar case of damage. Although I was suspicious, I followed Mr. A's suggestion. He claimed that I could receive money through a virtual account for credit card transactions, so I provided him with my virtual account number. Later, when I checked through the XX Card app, I found that a total of X million won had been paid in installments. I requested cancellation from the card company but was informed that it was not possible. Mr. A only asks me to wait and does not take any action."

(Thank You Note from Applicant) "I was in despair after suffering secondary damage while trying to resolve romance fraud. The counselor patiently explained the solution, and by requesting withdrawal and rights of defense to the card company, I was able to prevent further damage. Also, through the police investigation process, I received a full refund of the amount lost due to romance fraud. I am truly grateful!"

The Korea Communications Commission
File 20240131_News_Release_online damage.docx 20240131_News_Release_online damage.docx
240131 (보도자료) 방통위, 「2023년 온라인피해상담사례집」 발간.hwp 240131 (보도자료) 방통위, 「2023년 온라인피해상담사례집」 발간.hwp
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