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Title The government and the private sector work together for the right to be forgotten of digital sex crime victims
Date 2023-03-16 Read 7434
The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Chairman Han Sang-hyuk) announced that it held a public-private council to guarantee the right to be forgotten online to protect and support victims of digital sex crimes on Wednesday, March 8 at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Center.

The public-private council has recently been formed and operated as the government and the private sector need to work closely to promote the government's national task of "guaranteeing the right to be forgotten of digital sex crime victims" as digital sex crimes have become more intelligent and the damage has continued through the secondary distribution.

The meeting was presided over by Ahn Hyoung-hwan, vice chairman of the KCC, and attended by officials from the government and related agencies such as the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, the Supreme Prosecutors' Office, the National Police Agency, and the Korea Communications Standards Commission, executives of major Internet business operators such as Kakao, Google, and Meta, and experts in academia and legal circles.

In the meeting, major policies that each ministry has pursued to guarantee the victim's right to be forgotten, such as swift deletion and blocking of digital sex crime videos and prevention of distribution were shared and Internet business operators suggested their opinion.

In addition, opinions on additional cooperation measures to respond to digital sex crimes quickly, including public-private cooperation to prevent digital sex crimes and improve social awareness, the establishment of a one-stop digital sex crime reporting system (ARS), and development and distribution of simple reporting software for children and adolescents were shared as well.

Vice Chairman Ahn Hyoung-hwan said, "In the recent digital sex crimes, new digital technologies are being abused and techniques are becoming more sophisticated, so active cooperation from operators is needed for a safe Internet environment. We will continue the public-private cooperation to create a victim-centered support system to prevent secondary victimization."
File (보도자료) 디지털성범죄 피해자의 ‘잊힐 권리’ 위해 정부와 민간이 함께 한다(3.8).hwpx (보도자료) 디지털성범죄 피해자의 ‘잊힐 권리’ 위해 정부와 민간이 함께 한다(3.8).hwpx
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