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Title KCC introduces a prior-notice system for the inspection of prohibited acts
Date 2023-05-15 Read 6872
The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Chairman Han Sang-hyuk) said it would conduct a month-long inspection of the violation of prohibited acts in May to see if IPTV operators refused to apply for a single plan or compelled users to subscribe to a bundled product.

The KCC has mainly investigated ex post facto investigation for fair competition between business entities, including broadcasting and IPTV business entities or acts that hinder, or may hinder, the viewers' interests, but has recently introduced the prior-notice system to protect users more effectively and practically.

Giving prior notice of inspection for cases of violations of prohibited acts is expected to raise awareness to operators while preventing damages and raising awareness of rights for the public.

The three IPTV companies, KT, SK Broadband, and LG U+, will be the main subjects of inspection. The inspection will focus on whether there were any acts, including compelling users to subscribe to bundled products, restricting subscribing to only IPTV plans, poorly guiding viewers to choose the plans they want, and lacking the introduction of a single product when selling.

According to the results of the 2022 research on users' behavior in the use of broadcasting media released by the KCC last year, while most Korean people use TVs and smartphones, few people recognize the Internet (wired, desktop/laptop) as an essential medium. Nevertheless, the KCC planned the inspection as the ratio of IPTV fees bundled with the Internet communications fees is 100 percent.

The KCC pushes forward the inspection with the prior notice as it is necessary to check whether users know that they can subscribe to the IPTV service alone without bundling with the Internet.

2022 research on users’ behavior in the use of broadcasting media

1) When watching real-time or replay programs, 88.5% (23.5%), 7.4% (18.8%), and 2.4% (6.8%) use TVs, smartphones, and desktops/laptops, respectively.

2) 60.8%, 37.1%, and 1.4% use smartphones, TVs, and desktops/laptops, respectively, to learn news or information related to COVID-19.

3) 70%, 27.5%, and 1.8% regard smartphones, TVs, and desktops/laptops, respectively, as essential medium in daily life.

4) Of the total 4,287 households, 2,235 households (IPTV subscrption rate 52.1%) who subscribed to IPTV said they were paying IPTV fees with Internet communication fees

The KCC said it expects that entities will take the prior notice as an opportunity to go through internal inspection and put their efforts into guaranteeing the interests of viewers
File (방통위) 방통위, 금지행위 실태점검 사전예고제 도입(4.27).hwp (방통위) 방통위, 금지행위 실태점검 사전예고제 도입(4.27).hwp
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