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Date 2024-01-26 Read 6164
5G dispute mediation rate significantly increased at 90.1% from 81.9%

The Korea Communications Commission (Chairman Kim Hong-il) announced that the Communications Dispute Mediation Committee (Chairman Goo Jong-sang) showed an 18.8% mediation rate in both wired and wireless communications, with a total of 1,259 applications for mediation in 2023. The rate increased by 6.7%p compared to that of 2022. The number of applications also increased by 18.8%p. The rate increased by 8.0%p (from 82.1% in 2022 to 90.1% in 2023) and 2.7%p (from 85.4% in 2022 to 89.6% in 2023) in wireless and wired communications, respectively.

*communications dispute mediation rate: 53% (from June 2019 to 2020) -> 75.6% (2021) -> 82.9% (2022) -> 89.6% (2023)

The Communications Dispute Mediation Committee is a legitimate committee that mediates disputes regarding communications services raised between telecommunications business operators and consumers. It annually analyzes and announces the status of response to disputes and the result of mediation by business operators into various types.

In terms of the number of applications in 2023, KT showed the highest count at 389 cases (41.3%) in the wireless sector. Additionally, KT recorded the highest ratio of cases per 100 thousand subscribers, standing at 2.1 cases. In the wired sector, KT took the largest share with 110 cases (34.7%), but SKT and LGU+ marked the top in the ratio of cases per 100 thousand subscribers, both at 1.3 cases.

By type of application (both in the wired and wireless sectors), 'user contract' took the biggest share with 593 cases (47.1%), followed by 'explanation and notice on material matters' with 415 cases (33.0%), 'others' with 142 cases (11.3%), and 'service quality' with 109 cases (8.6%).
Out of a total of 1,259 cases, compensation for damages was requested in 892 cases (70.8%).

*'Explanation and notice on material matters' took up the largest share in the wireless sector with 375 cases (39.8%), and 'user contract' took up the largest share in the wired sector with 227 cases (71.6%).

In addition, the number of applications for 5G communications dispute mediation spiked to 692 cases in 2023 from 526 cases in 2022 as the service became commercialized. In communications service quality disputes, the figure slightly decreased to 109 cases in 2023 from 118 cases in 2022. Among them, 81 cases (74.3%) were made regarding low service quality for 5G service, relay broadcasting facility installment, fee discount, and demanding termination of contract without penalty.

*The Communications Dispute Mediation Committee has conducted an on-site inspection for communications service quality by visiting residences, if quality inspection is deemed necessary, since June 2022 to enhance trust in mediation.

Meanwhile, the 5G communications dispute mediation rate increased by 8.2% year-on-year, standing at 90.1% in 2023 from 81.9% in 2022. Quality dispute mediation rate increased by 3.2%p year-on-year, standing at 55.9% in 2023 from 52.7% in 2022.

By business operators (four telcos) and in the wireless sector, the communications dispute mediation rate was the highest for LGU+ (97.5%), followed by KT (89.9%) and SKT (85.5%). In the wired sector, KT had the highest figure with 98.7%, followed by LGU+ (93.9%), SKT (70.3%), and SKTB (69.2%).

※ 5G telecommunications dispute mediation rates: LGU+ (100%), KT (90.3%), and SKT (84.7%) in order.

Among Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs), the top five operators with the highest number of communication dispute applications are KT M Mobile, KT SkyLife, LG HelloVision, Korea Cable Telecom, and SK Telink.

The Communications Dispute Mediation Committee plans to recommend efforts to address cases that hinder user benefits, such as false reporting of mobile device prices, inadequate notification of material matters (discounts through terms and conditions and affiliate card discounts), coercion to use high-cost rate plans, and inadequate termination processing of services. For cases requiring preventive measures and urgent remedies, the committee intends to go through the ex officio decision of mediation.

Chairman Kim stated, "The resolution of telecommunication disputes is significant in terms of being an achievement made through active participation of both users and businesses." He added, "We will continue to make efforts to protect the rights of the public more effectively through prompt and efficient mediations."

The Korea Communications Commission

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240123 (보도자료) 방통위 ‘23년도 통신분쟁조정 해결률 89.6%.hwp 240123 (보도자료) 방통위 ‘23년도 통신분쟁조정 해결률 89.6%.hwp
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