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Board List
NO Title Date Read
112 ‘Moderate’ cyber crisis alert issued with regard to the Nuclear Security Summit 2012-03-09 16050
111 Revision of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Media Representative Act 2012-03-06 14922
110 Level-3 (Strong) Sunspot Eruption 2012-03-05 13355
109 Space radio environment forecasting is now possible. 2012-02-29 12513
108 The Korea Communications Commission recommends compliance with personal information protection laws and giving right of choice to users in regard to Google’s privacy policy change 2012-02-28 12023
107 Welfare recipients will receive 450 minutes of free Internet phone calls a month, and the disabled, veterans and patriots will have their phone bills reduced by 50%. 2012-02-26 11149
106 Building the infrastructure to ensure that broadcasting guarantees diversity of public opinions 2012-02-22 10422
105 The Korea Communications Commission announces the results of its research on electromagnetic waves in everyday life 2012-02-20 10355
104 The Information & Communications Network Act is revised to reinforce the privacy protection system. 2012-02-17 9692
103 The Media Representative Act passes the National Assembly, creating a new opportunity in the broadcasting advertising market 2012-02-09 4904

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