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Board List
NO Title Date Read
122 KCC establishes guideline for the green data center and national standard for level assessment. 2012-09-07 29661
121 KCC prepares policies for the ending of 700㎒ wireless microphones 2012-08-31 29952
120 KCC prepares 2012 amendment of ‘the Enforcement Decree of the Telecommunications Business Act.’ 2012-08-31 28646
119 Result of the 5th’ smartphone use survey (1st half of 2012) announced. 2012-08-28 27811
118 Cloud computing must grow into a new growth engine in the Internet sector. 2012-08-16 22962
117 Big data forum starts 2012-08-16 21135
116 Safe home (Internet) shopping! 2012-08-16 20912
115 KCC totally reforms the i-PIN issuance procedure. 2012-08-13 19202
114 KCC improves the privacy protection system of mobile network operators 2012-08-09 17041
113 Short wave communication failure continued in polar regions on March 6 due sunspot activity 2012-03-09 18335

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