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Title The KCC vice chairman Ahn Hyoung-Hwan met the ATVSI from Indonesia
Date 2023-03-06 Read 6525
The vice chairman Ahn Hyoung-hwan of the Korea Communications Commission (KCC, chairman Han Sang-hyuk) had a meeting with vice chairman Neil Tobing of the Indonesian Private Television Association (ATVSI) on Thursday, 23 February. This meeting was held at the request of ATVSI and covered various broadcasting policy issues including digital migration of terrestrial TV and OTT service policy.

The vice chairman Ahn said “the KCC and Indonesia have a long history of close cooperation in the broadcasting field including concluding MOU on cooperation in the broadcast content sector in February 2017” and introduced the policies that the KCC is pushing forward regarding digital platforms and OTT services. He also shared Korea’s know-how of digital migration of terrestrial TV asked by the ATVSI in advance.

“We shared broad scope of opinions over major broadcasting policies including Korea’s digital migration process of terrestrial TV and viewers policies,” the vice chairman Tobing said. He added that “Indonesia’s viewers’ rating of terrestrial broadcast is relatively high and we have more Korean dramas during the prime time from 6 to 9 in the afternoon.”

The vice chairman Ahn ended the meeting by saying that “This year marks the 50th anniversary of the relationship between Korea and Indonesia. We look forward to a better understanding and a more favorable and cooperative relationship in the broadcasting sectors between the two countries.”
File 20230223_News_Release_ATVSI.docx 20230223_News_Release_ATVSI.docx
(보도자료) 방통위 안형환 부위원장, 인도네시아 민영텔레비전협회(ATVSI) 면담.hwpx (보도자료) 방통위 안형환 부위원장, 인도네시아 민영텔레비전협회(ATVSI) 면담.hwpx
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