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Title KCC Investigates NAVER for Violations of Telecommunications Business Act
Date 2023-09-25 Read 13622
The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Chairman Lee Dong-kwan) announced its fact-checking investigation on the violation of prohibited acts on the Telecommunications Business Act of NAVER news service on Monday, September 25.

Since July 5, the KCC has been conducting research to determine whether NAVER's news service has violated the prohibitions outlined in the Telecommunications Business Act.

As a result of the research, allegations have emerged that NAVER engages in unfair discrimination against specific users, imposes unjust conditions or restrictions, and fails to provide important notices. Consequently, a fact-checking investigation has been initiated.

NAVER is the biggest search engine in South Korea and wields significant influence in the media industry. It holds a monopolistic market share of 66.7% in the news sector and has been consistently embroiled in controversies surrounding its social responsibility and impartiality.

The news algorithm was particularly attributed to biasing specific news media as being directly related to intervention in the news arrangement of presses. Concerns about discrimination against certain business operators and public opinion distortion prompted the research into its actual practices.

If it is discovered that the search engine giant intentionally manipulated search results and offered discriminatory services to the media, it would be deemed a violation of prohibited acts as outlined in the Telecommunications Business Act.

The KCC will uncover the facts and take decisive action, which may include imposing the maximum penalty charge (1/100 of the sales) and filing criminal charges.

Meanwhile, the KCC has given a strict warning to NAVER for not or delaying submitting the research data and will take possible legal actions, including charges for compelling compliance, if such interferences continue.

The KCC will proactively try to ease the regulations to strengthen the competitive edge of the broadcasting and communications sector while ensuring users’ rights and interests and promoting a fair environment for the media sector by strictly enforcing laws in response to any unlawful practices.
File 20230925_News_Release_NAVER.docx 20230925_News_Release_NAVER.docx
230925 (보도자료) 방통위, 네이버의 전기통신사업법 금지행위 위반 사실조사 착수.hwpx 230925 (보도자료) 방통위, 네이버의 전기통신사업법 금지행위 위반 사실조사 착수.hwpx
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