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Title KCC Orders Corrective Measures against Procedural Violations of Subscrption Contracts by Mobile Carriers and High-Speed Internet Service Providers
Date 2013-08-02 Read 25418
The Korea Communications Commission (Chairman Kyung-jae Lee) held a general meeting on Wednesday, August 21, 2013, ordered SK Telecom, KT, and SK Broadband to rectify their procedural violations of subscrption contracts, and urged 38 businesses -- including 4 mobile carriers such as LGU+ and 34 high-speed Internet service providers under 5 MSOs (multiple-system operators) -- to correct discrepancies between their subscrption contracts and user guides.
File 이용약관절차위반_보도자료(8.21)_ENG.hwp 이용약관절차위반_보도자료(8.21)_ENG.hwp
이용약관절차위반_보도자료(8.21)_ENG.pdf 이용약관절차위반_보도자료(8.21)_ENG.pdf
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