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Title Stakeholders Agree on the Handset Distribution Structure Improvement Act, with Samsung Electronics Opposing Some Parts
Date 2013-12-05 Read 35361
Stakeholders Agree on the Handset Distribution Structure
Improvement Act, with Samsung Electronics Opposing Some Parts
- need to improve the distribution structure centered on high-priced handsets
- need to prioritize consumer benefits and win back consumer confidence
- need to come up with sub-rules to realize the purpose of the Act properly
File 131205 단말기 유통구조 개선 관련 간담회 자료_eng.pdf 131205 단말기 유통구조 개선 관련 간담회 자료_eng.pdf
131205 단말기 유통구조 개선 관련 간담회 자료.hwp 131205 단말기 유통구조 개선 관련 간담회 자료.hwp
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