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Title KCC finalizes the 2014 basic plan for the reevaluation of general CATV networks and news channel
Date 2013-09-05 Read 16706
KCC or Korea Communications Commissions (Chairman Lee Kyung-jae) has reviewed and approved the 2014 basic plan for the reevaluation of four general CATV networks, including TV Chosun and one cable news channel (Yonhap News TV) whose licenses are set to expire in 2014.
File 2014_종합편성_보도전문PP_재승인_기본계획_자료(9.5)_ENG_rev.hwp 2014_종합편성_보도전문PP_재승인_기본계획_자료(9.5)_ENG_rev.hwp
2014_종합편성_보도전문PP_재승인_기본계획_자료(9.5)_ENG_rev.pdf 2014_종합편성_보도전문PP_재승인_기본계획_자료(9.5)_ENG_rev.pdf
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