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Title KCC Requests Telegram to Appoint a Person Responsible for Youth Protection
Date 2024-09-26 Read 4469
With the expectation that the platform within the bounds of society will contribute to safeguarding children and adolescents from information harmful to youth

The Korea Communications Commission (KCC, Acting Chairperson Kim Tae-kyu) officially sent a request to Telegram today September 12, asking for materials related to the designation of a person responsible for protecting youth. This request is to intended to determine whether Telegram is a business entity required to designate a person responsible for the protection of youth, as stipulated by Article 42-3 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection and its enforcement decree.

The KCC has determined that it is necessary to require Telegram to designate a person responsible for the protection of youth in order to create an environment where information and communications network is used in a safe and sound manner. This decision is prompted by the rising number of cases on Telegram recently where links to access channels and chat rooms, as well as passwords, are being distributed to unspecified individuals. Worse yet, they are becoming hotbeds for the distribution of illegal information.

The regulation requiring the designation of a person responsible for the protection of youth is aimed to protect children and adolescents within the information and communications network. This legal obligation is imposed on value-added common carriers of a certain scale. Applicable carriers are required to designate an executive officer or department head in charge of youth protection as the person responsible for youth protection. They also should implement youth protection works within the information and communications networks they provide, including blocking and managing information harmful to youth and establishing youth protection protocols.

In the meantime, Telegram has been extremely passive in communicating with governmental organizations in various countries, including Korea. In contrast, the KCC plans to notify Telegram to comply with its obligations consistently, and strive to strengthen sanctions in stage if the platform does not comply despite the KCC’s persistent requests.

Kim Tae-kyu, the acting chairperson stated, “We hope that urging Telegram to designate a person responsible for youth protection will encourage the platform to contribute within the bounds of society to safeguarding children and adolescents from information harmful to youth.”

The Korea Communications Commission
File 240912 (보도자료) 방통위, 텔레그램 청소년보호책임자 지정 요청.hwpx 240912 (보도자료) 방통위, 텔레그램 청소년보호책임자 지정 요청.hwpx
20240912_News_Release_Designation.docx 20240912_News_Release_Designation.docx
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