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Title KCC fully supports WiBro·IPTV to advance into Latin America market
Date 2009-03-28 Read 7311
As a part of an IT Mission, KCC(Korea Communications commission) will visit Lima in Peru on March 13. Through the "Korea-Peru WiBro·IPTV Road show", Korean high technology will be released and an export consultation inning for Peruvian communications companies will be held.

Korean government(Ministry of Knowledge Economy, KCC), the government agencies(Korea IT International Cooperation Agency, Korea Trade-Investment promotion Agency) and 7 related industries including Samsung Electronics(WiBro), SKT, KT networks(IPTV) will participate in this event. Also, Peruvian MTC (Ministry of Transport and Communications) and Communications industries will attend the forum to discuss about related policies and participate in a road show of WiBro and IPTV.

When the Korean president, Lee Myung-Bak, visited Peru in last November, Peru showed much interest about Korean IT technologies such as WiBro. Therefore, this event is planed to attract further interest so that Latin American market will be opened up to Korean Information Technology Services.

In the mean time, KCC announced that they will fully support the export of IT industry by holding this kind of events to advance to oversea markets such as Latin America in cooperation with other ministries of government.
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