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Title KCC Chairman Han Sang-hyuk has Teleconference with Google Senior VP Neal Mohan
Date 2020-08-31 Read 26121
KCC Chairman Han Sang-hyuk has Teleconference with Google Senior VP Neal Mohan

KCC Chairman Han Sang-hyuk has teleconference with Google Senior VP Neal Mohan

On July 10, Korea Communications Commission Chairman Han Sang-hyuk met with Google Senior Vice President Neal Mohan and YouTube’s Head of Asia-Pacific Policy Mark Lippert via teleconference to discuss broadcasting and communications related issues.

YouTube requested this meeting with the introduction of their new website, How YouTube Works.*

*How YouTube Works was created to explain YouTube’s function and content, advertising policy, and consumer protection policies such as harmful content and copyright policies.

During the meeting, Chairman Han thanked Google for its efforts from the onset of Covid-19 to quickly relay authoritative information and minimize fake news which could cause societal uncertainty. He asked for Google’s cooperation in continuing to provide accurate information online and in overcoming the pandemic quickly.

Furthermore, Chairman Han mentioned how YouTube responded to the Korea Communications Standards Commission’s correction order regarding a video which misrepresented the May 18 Democratic Uprising. YouTube removed the video, stating it violated its Community Guidelines. He asked for YouTube’s continued support in preventing distribution of videos which severely distort history, commit libel, and belittle or discriminate against others.

Chairman Han explained that the Nth room case led to amendments of the relevant law; platform operators are required to prevent circulation of illegally filmed material or sexually exploitative material of children and youth. He emphasized that operators comply with the legal obligations so that digital sexual crime videos are not distributed online.

In response, Senior Vice President Neal Mohan answered YouTube will continue to create an Internet ecosystem where openness is maintained and societal responsibility is fulfilled by pursuing policies* which highlight credible information and reduce misinformation.

*Google maintains four R’s principles of: Remove content that violates policy; Raise up authoritative voices; Reward trusted, eligible creators; and Reduce content that brushes against Google’s policy.

Additionally Senior Vice President Mohan explained how Google enforces its Community Guidelines so that videos featuring sexual exploitation of minors are not circulated. He revealed the company will cooperate fully with the government’s policy so victims of digital sexual crime are not harmed.

Chairman Han emphasized, “amidst the rapid transition to a non-contact society, there is a need to consider consumer protection policies with a new perspective. He requested that as a leading global company, Google continue to provide strong protection for consumers in the new intelligent information age.

He further requested that Google expand support for AI developers, content creators, and startups in order to create a win-win Internet ecosystem and further societal innovation through AI. He also requested cooperation to create a fair competition environment regarding use of networks.

Through this teleconference, the two sides agreed on the need for exchange in order to innovate the broadcasting and communications ecoystem and strengthen consumer protection. The two sides agreed to continue close cooperation moving forward.
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